In the early years the Friends made cash donations directly to the Council's Hylands House Restoration Fund. However in 1998, in discussion with the Chelmsford Museum Service, it was agreed that one of the Friends' undertakings would be to purchase selected period furnishings, through reputable auction houses, but with special consideration being given to retrieving artefacts directly associated with the Hylands Estate. In 2002 the Friends commissioned the stunning life size marble replica of "Venus with Apple" by the famous Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen. The original statue was commissioned in 1816 by Pierre Labouchere who was the owner of Hylands at the time. She has now returned home and a copy graces the Entrance Hall. In 2007 a miniature portrait of Cornelius Kortright, Hylands owner from 1797 to 1815, came up for auction at Sotheby's. The Friends were successful in acquiring this important historical piece which is now displayed in the House.
It has never been the aim to fully furnish the House and turn it into a Museum, as the House has to host many functions and events of all descriptions. The plan has always been to furnish the House with key quality items to blend in and enhance the periods of the restored rooms.

Our Victorian Mahogany 15ft wind out dining table with 24 reproduction Prince of Wales shield back chairs with leather seats. Purchased at auction February 2000.
Some other furniture and antiques..